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Simple Guide For Citibank Mobile App

Frequent travelers who do not have time to manage their banking activities, can use the Citibank apps to manage their banking activities on go. Two apps Citibank mobile app, Citi bank tablet app are the wonderful apps that let customers manage their Citibank Accounts using the mobile or the tablet.

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Citibank Mobile Application & Mobile Banking

Citibank mobile app is perfect for mobile banking. The website can be viewed clearly as you see in Citibank Net Banking. All the services can be accessed easily using the easy-to-use interface. The transactions can be managed with just the swipe of a finger securely without worrying about spyware. However, the customers are recommended to download the app from the app store of Google or Apple and avoid third party sites.

Benefits of Mobile Banking

Mobile banking provides a wide range of benefits that are hard to obtain via internet banking on your system.

  • Helps to keep your account updated any moment.
  •  Citibank Account information can be accessed anytime.
  • Effective presentation of the account makes it easy to understand the various transactions.
  • Account balance, list of Citibank Deposits, savings account details and details related to the Citibank credit card account such as the standing amount to be paid and the paid amount can be viewed clearly.

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Not only accessing the account, transactions such as money transfer and bill payment can also be done.You can also check the mobile app benefits of  United Bank of India Mobile AppPNB Mobile App and Yes Bank Mobile App.

The tablet banking app works similar to the mobile banking app. It offers the advantages of the mobile app. An added advantage it provides a graphical representation of all the transactions and cash inflows. This helps customers understand their expenses and manage them according to the cash inflows. This is very helpful for customers with fixed income levels and multiple loans to be paid. Use the app store or the google playstore to download the tablet app. You can download this app for different versions like Citibank IN App for Android, Citibank IN App for windows and Citibank IN App for IOS. To prevent security breach or malware attack, the customers are recommended to load effective anti-virus. If you got any issues while using this app  you can contact Citi Bank Customer Care at any time.

FAQ’s Related to Citibank Mobile App

  1. Is it possible to use the application download message multiple times?

View Answer
No, the mobile app or tablet app download message can be used only once. Hence, the message used by a customer cannot be forwarded to a friend or can be used at a later date.

2. What is the time limit for downloading the Citi mobile app?

View Answer
The download time for the Citi mobile app depends on the speed of the GPRS connectivity provided by the mobile operator. With high-speed connection, the app can be downloaded in a few minutes.

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