Credit card is a card that is issued by the bank for their customer who has applied for under some terms and conditions applied to it. A credit card is card where you can use the card up to a limit under the company conditions. Dena Bank also provides some schemes that will be helpful for the customers. The bank has also provided Dena Bank Credit Card Service Counselling centers at Himatnagar in Gandhinagar region in the year 2007 and the center is called Dena Mitra. Where the bank provided a free counselling to the farmers, to educate them and make aware of all the schemes, like NHB scheme of Horticulture projects, etc.
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Dena Bank Credit Cards with Offers:
- Dena bank Credit card provides the best class Features and Benefits, Documents, Offers and reward Points Online. This Bank also provide some exciting offers and schemes. You can check the latest offers with the help of Dena Bank Net Banking.
- Dena Leghu Udyami Credit Scheme which aims at providing hassle free credit facility to small businessman, retail traders, Self-employed person and small Industrial Units. Credit Card limit is fixed at 20% of the annual turnover declared for tax purpose. The maximum per party credit card limit is 10Lakhs. Limit valid up to 3 years. Compare United Bank of India Credit Cards, HSBC Bank Credit Cards, IDBI Bank Credit Cards and Bank of Baroda Credit Cards with Dena Bank credit cards for better savings.
Dena Bank Credit Cards Eligibility & Application Status:
Dena bank lets anyone with a Dena Bank Account to apply for the credit card and use this service. The customers get the cards based on the eligibility which is based on the salary they earn and each credit card offers special benefits for the customer. Once you apply for the credit card you can check the application status online through a link that will be provided during the credit card registration. If you face any issues with registration then you can contact Dena Bank Customer Care for online assistance.
For Better Banking Experience You Can Also Check Here
- Download Dena Bank Mobile Banking App for iOS, Android and Windows
- Safe & Secure Net Banking Services by Dena Bank
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- Benefits of having Dena Bank Accounts
FAQ’s Related to Dena Bank Credit Cards
- Why Dena bank?
2.How to pay the credit card bill back?