A credit card is a type of payment card issued to the user so that they can pay a dealer for goods and services. The total amount paid using the credit card is paid at the end of the month by the customer.
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United Bank of India Credit Cards with Offers
United Bank of India provides three different type of credit card namely Artisan Credit Card Scheme, Swarozgar Credit Card and Laghu Udhyami Credit Card. United Bank of India provides these credit card at a very attractive offer and such services that are provided by the bank contributes well to the progress of India.
United Bank of India Types of Credit Cards
Artisan Credit Card Scheme (ACC)
Coverage: All artisan involving manufacturing process or production and artisan that are registered with the development commissioner etc. Check latest offers of this card with secured United Bank of India Mobile App.
Area of Operation: The Artisan Credit Card Scheme is operated through all the branches of the United Bank of India except for branches in the metropolitan location.
Purpose of loan: With the view to provide sufficient and timely assistance from the institutions (banking) to the artisan to meet their financial requirement.
Swarozgar Credit Card
Coverage: Small artisans, service sector, handloom weavers, fisherman, self-employed person, etc. in rural or semi-urban or urban or metro areas are covered under this scheme.To apply for this card use United Bank of India Internet Banking with out visiting the bank.
Area of Operation: The Swarozgar credit scheme is operated in all the branches except in the branch located in the metro cities.
Purpose of loans: Swarozgar Credit Scheme aims at providing term loan or working capital loan to small artisans, fisherman, handloom weavers etc. Along with Credit Cards UBI also provides offers on United Bank of India Debit Cards.
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Laghu Udhyami Credit Card (LUCC)
Coverage: The scheme is cover all over the country.
Purpose of the loan is to meet the financial requirement of the small and medium business units, artisans, retail traders, small-scale industry units and self-employed persons. If you face any problems while using these cards you can directly contact United Bank of India Customer Care for online assistance.
Along with UBI Bank Bank of Baroda Credit Cards and Dena Bank Credit Cards also provides the great offers.
FAQ’s Related to United Bank of India Credit Cards
- What are the eligibility criteria for the Laghu Udhyami Credit Card?
A) The customer should be an existing borrower.
B) He/she should be dealing with the bank for the last three year satisfactorily.
C) Enjoying the loan limit (working capital) of 10 lakh rupees.
2. What is the margin of the Laghu Udhyami Credit card?