Credit are the future, they help in saving the time and to avoid the trouble searching for an ATM and one can avoid keeping the hard card. While using the credit card one should be cautious and should not overuse the credit card as it would get one into a huge debt and a heavy interest may be levied which increases the payback amount. Are you looking for BOI Loans then Bank of India provides any type of loans at low interest rates to their Bank of India Account holders.
You can Also Check Here for Better Features of BOI
- Bank of India Loans at Low Interest Rates
- Secure Mobile Banking with Bank of India Mobile App
- Banking Tasks Easier with Bank of India Net Banking
Bank of India Registration and Login
One can apply the credit card by simply visiting the Bank of India home branch and submit a duly filled and signed form to the branch. Bank also needs to Know your Document’ form, which must be verified by a guested officer. You can also check the registration process for Dena Bank Credit Cards, United Bank of India Credit Cards and Bank of Baroda Credit Cards provides the great offers.
Bank of India Credit Card with Offers
The Bank of India credit card provides us with a lot of offers. Some of the offers are below:
- The bank of India has a high limit of spending with the credit card, which enables the customer to spend more in case of an emergency or a demand.
- The customer can also issue an add-on card of the principal or primary credit card.This bank provide offers on Bank of India Debit Cards along with credit cards.
- The bank of India automatically issues a new card 2 month before the expiry of the existing credit card. If you are looking for much better offers on credit cards then the following banks Canara Bank Credit Cards, HSBC Bank Credit Cards and IDBI Bank Credit Cards providing great offers.
You Can Check Here For Better Experience with Bank of India
- How to Deal with Bank of India Debit Cards
- 24/7 Non Stop Bank of India Customer Support
- Benefits of having Bank of India Accounts
1. Who are eligible for a Credit Card?
- The applicant should be the citizen of India.
- Any individual who is of Non-resident Indians or Indian origin Resident or Person of foreign origin who is residing in India on purpose of employment?
- The CIBIL credit score of the customer should be acceptable at the bank i.e. the applicant should not be at default at any other bank or at Bank of India.
- The applicant need to sign and fill the KYC and get the same verified by a guested officer.
- The applicant should have a steady income source verified by the Income tax or must have a salary certificates.
2. Are the minors eligible for credit card facility?